7 Paranormal Blogs ...


Paranormal is what it is all about. There is this really cool blog that is a part of allwomenstalk.com that I have been working on. On it, you are going to find some Twilight stuff and paranormal stuff. It originally started out as a Twilight blog, but eventually, it turned over to a paranormal blog. Let me give you 7 paranormal blogs you should read …

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Dracula There are many things you should learn about Dracula. Dracula, at one point in time, did exist in this world – just not how you think he did. In this blog posting, I give you 5 facts on Dracula.


Scary Creatures There are some pretty scary creatures out there and no, I am not talking about you humans I see every day – just kidding. I am talking about those things with sharp teeth that will rip you apart if you were to give them a chance – you know, things like werewolves. In this blog posting, I give you 5 scary creatures that you should watch out for – even if you do not think they exist does not mean that they do not exist. Sometimes, things can really surprise you.


Scooby Doo Scooby Doo, where are you? While I may not know where Scooby Doo is at this moment, I do know some interesting facts on them that I would like to give you. If you are a Scooby fan, then you should definitely go and read my blog posting on good old Scooby Roo … I mean Doo.


Mythical Creatures I have always had an eye for mythical creatures. They are so fascinating and the pictures we see of them are beautiful. There are times where I wish some of the creatures existed, but I know if creatures like the dragon roamed the Earth, things would not be like they are today. Buildings would constantly be set on fire.


Dragon Video Games There are some pretty fun dragon video games out there that I enjoy playing. I would like to give you a list of 5 dragon video games, but you have to go to my blog posting and read them first.


Dragons Oh yes, you have got to love these dragons. I am going to give you some dragon facts that I believe you should know.


Monsters This post has 5 evil monsters that you should avoid. Unless, of course, you do not mind seeing yourself in danger. I really like watching horror movies, but when it comes to seeing monsters up close in real life chasing me down, that’s not really what I like. Not at all.

Those are 7 paranormal blogs that I have written that I believe you should take a look at. When you look at the blogs, if you like them, agree or disagree, you should make sure you post a comment on them. This way, I know you are reading them. So, do you like my paranormal blogs?

Top Photo Credit: Joe_B

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I can't find the link to these blogs. I would like to read them. If anyone can help that would be great. Thanks

interesting title for some reason not sure why i found it hard to follow along you write the blogs? and a paragraph about one blog then leads to the next maybe im reading it wrong but thanks anyways :)


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