7 Haunted Places in the UK ...


7 Haunted Places in the UK ...
7 Haunted Places in the UK ...

If you're looking for somewhere spooky to spend some time, these haunted places in the UK will be perfect. Not only are they guaranteed to be scary, fun and exciting all at the same time, but they’ve all got plenty of things to do and explore, to ensure you get the most from your trip. If you’ve ever wanted to be a ghostbuster, step right up and check out the most thrilling haunted places in the UK!

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Beachy Head, Sussex

Beachy Head, Sussex Beachy Head is often mentioned in programs and guides about the most haunted places in the UK – and it’s no wonder it’s seen so many ghosts! Numerous suicides have taken place here over the years, and it’s thought that the calm, quiet and beautiful location will always attract those who want to end their lives. There’s a collection of reports on a black monk who is said to stand at the base of the cliffs beckoning people to jump, too. This is one of the most spine-tinglingly haunted places in the UK.


Deane Road Cemetery, Liverpool

Deane Road Cemetery, Liverpool Deane Road Cemetery fell into disrepair in the 18th Century, and has never quite recovered, so it’s no wonder that this is often one of the first stops on haunted tours in the UK. There have been a number of official reports regarding children’s screams, doors slamming and furniture moving itself, and it seems nearby houses don’t get off easily, either. The older houses, which held slaves in the 19th Century, are said to also experience scratching, screaming, loud footsteps and doors locking on their own. It’s a truly creepy place!


Glamis Castle, Scotland

Glamis Castle, Scotland Love history? You’ll love it here. Glamis Castle is haunted by the spirit of Lady Janet Douglas, or the Grey Lady, as she is known. Records show that she was burned at the stake on Castle Hill, Edinburgh, in 1537, on charges of being a witch and plotting to poison the King. It’s now widely believed that the charges were complete fabrications. A number of witness reports exist showing the spirit on the grounds, and she is said to regularly visit the clock tower.


Fyvie Castle, Scotland

Fyvie Castle, Scotland If you want to visit somewhere a bit spooky but not too scary, try Fyvie Castle. During renovation work in 1920, the skeleton of a woman was found behind a bedroom wall. She was unidentifiable, and was laid to rest in the Fyvie Cemetery nearby. From that night, residents reported strange noises and objects moving, along with slamming doors and rooms locking on their own. The Laird of the Castle ordered the body to be exhumed and put back behind the wall, when the haunting ceased. It’s still a big attraction for visitors, though.


The spectral legacy of Fyvie Castle doesn't end there—legends tell of curses and more than one ghostly inhabitant. One such spirit is the tragic figure of Dame Lillias Drummond, known as the Green Lady, whose eerie presence is accompanied by the scent of roses. She is said to have starved to death in 1601 by a cruel husband seeking a new wife. Visitors report her sorrowful silhouette and whispers in the night. This castle’s chilling past continues to draw those who are fascinated with the paranormal, making it a must-see for a ghostly encounter with Scottish history.


Ightham Mote, Kent

Ightham Mote, Kent Another one for the history lovers, this is the home of Dorothy Selby. She wrote a letter to her cousin Lord Moneagle, which foiled Guy Fawkes’ gunpowder plot. It’s thought that Fawkes and a number of his supporters locked her in the room and bricked up the door, leaving her no way to escape. The house has always been cold in that room, and there’s a large number of reports of her spirit remaining.


This moated manor house, nestled in the Kentish countryside, dates back to the 14th century. It not only boasts historic architecture but also a chilling tale of betrayal and desperation. Visitors often report feelings of unease and sudden temperature drops upon entering Dorothy's room. Guides and guests alike have recounted stories of hearing muffled cries late at night, thought to be the echoes of Dorothy Selby's desperate pleas. It's a must-visit for anyone with a penchant for ghostly encounters intertwined with English heritage.


Newstead Abbey, Nottinghamshire

Newstead Abbey, Nottinghamshire This might be Britain’s best-known haunted house, and the scene of a variety of haunted shows and tours. Sophie Hyatt, a friend of Lord Byron, is the most famous resident. She was killed in a tragic accident in 1825, and is often seen just wandering the gardens as she did when she was alive.


Woodchester Mansion, Gloucestershire

Woodchester Mansion, Gloucestershire One of the first haunted houses I visited, this place has something seriously creepy about it. Freemason William Leigh began building it in 1852, but never completed it, or moved in. In the mid-1870s, construction workers and craftsmen who had been building it suddenly refused to continue. In 1902, a local vicar visited and reported a strange spirit at the gates, and a few years later the phantom horseman appeared on the drive. Perhaps not surprisingly, nobody has ever moved in.

Feel the need for fear? Arrange a visit to one of these haunted places in the UK. There’s even special tour groups that’ll show you around a few, if you prefer to view with others! And don’t forget to note down anything odd you notice. You never know what details will be important! Have you ever visited a haunted place? Let me know!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I would actually like to meet lady Jane Douglas actually!! I find her history very interesting!! :D

I've enjoyed this reading when I'm old enough to travel I'll travel to one of these haunted mansions

Finally!! A new paranormal article!! I was getting bored of re-reading old articles again and again! I hope more paranormal articles will be posted up soon!!


Dunbigh asylum is scary as mess too...

Denise, Thanks to you and your team for these articles! These are so cool! I'm 20 years of age and have never been farther than Mexico and Hawaii so reading these inspires me to travel. Not only travel but to expand my mind and the idea of "yeah you know what there might just be such things as a lingering afterlife." Greatly appreciate it. I'm so intrigued. I just downloaded this app today and I'm hooked. Thanks a lot and look forward to reading more paranormal articles. Oh.. Almost forgot! Denise I think it's awesome that you comment back to all that follow and comment. Super cool

I live bar beachy head�

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