7 More Awesome TwilightParanormal Blogs ...


7 More Awesome TwilightParanormal Blogs ...
7 More Awesome TwilightParanormal Blogs ...

Last week, I gave you 7 cool Twilight blogs and the week before that, I told you some cool paranormal blogs. This week, I am going to give you 7 more awesome Twilight/Paranormal blogs that I feel you may be interested in reading. So, feel free to take a dive with me as we swim through the world of paranormal things (and safely enjoy it) …

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Things I like about Dragons I urge you to come check out my blog on reasons I like dragons. I have always have this strange fascination with these creatures. A part of me wishes that dragons existed with us, but I know, they are powerful creatures that probably would not let humans survive. Then again, they could be nice creatures, like horses. Anyhow, you should check this blog out.


Look like a Twilight Vampire While you may not sparkle when you step out in the sunlight (naturally), there are still some things you can do in order to look like a vampire from the Twilight series. In this blog, I am going to tell you 5 ways to look like a Twilight vampires – you are not going to regret this one, if you want to look like a vampire from Twilight.


For all of you beginners in the paranormal world, I wrote this blog just for you. In this blog, I am going to give you 5 tips to those that are just starting out and dipping their hands in the world of paranormal.


Fear Having fear is horrible. I have some fears of my own, but I am not going to tell you! You're silly if you thought I would – I don't tell anyone my fears, because then, if they hate me, they just might make them come true. Okay, but I will tell you 5 secrets to overcome fear.


Twilight Fan Confessions Whenever I read actual confessions from Twilight fans, I can't help but to bust out laughing. Surely, you feel the same way. I mean, seriously, some of the stuff they say in those confessions are horrible. Don't worry, I'm not laughing AT you, I'm laughing WITH you.


Zombie Mania Uh oh, you better watch it or those zombies might get you! In this blog posting, I am going to give you 5 facts on zombies.


Look like a Werewolf You can walk like a werewolf right now! You can even dance like one, sing like one and look like one – if you want. While werewolves can get pretty darn ugly, if you are going to some type of party or you just want to be a scary girl/guy on the blog, then this blog is going to come in handy as I am going to give you 5 hairy tips on looking like a werewolf.

Those are my 7 more awesome Twilight/Paranormal blogs that I wanted to share with you. Are any of you keeping up with this?

Top Photo Credit: alexstoddard

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