7 Cool Twilight Blogs ...


7 Cool Twilight Blogs ...
7 Cool Twilight Blogs ...

For all of you Twilight fans out there, I have been working on some blog postings of Twilight mixed in with Paranormal stuff – a couple of my favorite categories. Each week, I like to direct you to that specific blog site and tell you 7 cool things on it. In this posting, you will find 7 cool Twilight Blogs by me …

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Robert in Hollywood In this blog, I tell you 5 things to remember when you see Robert in Hollywood. Perhaps this will help all of you girls who plan on meeting him soon. You should take this blog posting to heart.


Cool Things about Twilight In this blog posting, I give you 5 cool things about the Twilight series. Personally, I really liked all of the stories along with the movies. I did, however, think the books were better than the movies. So, stop by and see what I found cool about it.


Good Twilight Quotes I really enjoy reading quotes. When I see a quote I really liked in a book, I find myself writing it down. This way, I will not forget it. In this blog posting, I will give you 5 good Twilight quotes that I really liked. This is a great blog posting to read, even if you are not a Twilight fan.


Just a Girl Living in a Twilight World Are you just a girl that is living in a Twilight World? Well, you can find out the truth if you visit my blog posting and see 5 signs we are living in a Twilight world.


Other Movies Do you like Robert Pattinson? If you think he is a good actor, then you may be interested in 5 other movies Robert Pattinson has played in. In this blog posting, I am going to give you a list of movies that he has played in that may be worth watching.


Twilight Obsession Having a Twilight obsession is no good. At least, in my opinion, it isn’t. Of course, I am the type who believes having any obsession is not good, because it can take you over. In this blog posting, I am going to give you 5 reasons a Twilight obsession is not good.


Entire Series When you read a book, if it has other stories to it, then you should go ahead and read it, especially if you really enjoyed the book. If you have read the first book of Twilight, then you should move forward and read the other books – I do not think you will be disappointed, as long as you enjoyed the first book. In this blog posting, I give you 5 reasons to read the entire series of Twilight.

Those are 7 cool Twilight blogs that I would like to share with you. When you go and read them, feel free to post your comments. It’s always nice knowing someone is reading my stuff and has an opinion on it. So, are you a Twilight fan?

Top Photo Credit: nataliyak96

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Love Twilight !!!

"Imprinted on twilight" lol

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